X1 Genuine Natural Rhodochrosite
Raw Crystal
2cm x 2cm x 1.5cm
12g in weight
supplied in own pouch along with the crystal properties of
Rhodochrosite represents selfless love and compassion. Rhodochrosite is good for the Heart Chakra and relationships and clearing the Root and Solar Plexus Chakras, improving self-worth, attracting love, and relieving emotional stress. Use Rhodochrosite in meditation to relax the diaphragm for full, deep breathing. Rhodochrosite can help those stuck in any phase of the grief process, by clearing out negative vibrations from the middle chakras. Meditating with Rhodochrosite can connect one to the Divine mind, allowing one to see the purpose behind negative experiences. Work with Rhodochrosite to bring much needed Love into the world. This stone is often used for repairing the subtle bodies and for reclaiming lost gifts. In this latter capacity, one can work with Rhodochrosite to bring about the healing of past events that have caused the breakdown of one's self-confidence and self-knowledge to the point where personal gifts have been given up, in favor of living in "survival mode“. Once these past issues are healed, it becomes easier for the person to remember their gifts and their true purpose for this incarnation. Physically, Rhodochrosite heals the heart, adjusts imbalances in the circulatory and nervous systems, relieves migraines, and clears up infections. Keep Rhodochrosite in the bedroom to help with sexual issues.
Please Note*.. All natural crystals may contain fractures and flaws
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