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Chrysocolla - Botryoidal Crystal Specimen


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x1 Genuine Natural Chrysocolla

Botryoidal Crystal Specimen

Region: Unknown

9cm x 6cm x 3.5cm 

120g in weight


A botryoidal texture or mineral habit is one in which the mineral has a globular external form resembling a bunch of grapes (botrys in ancient Greek) This is a common form for many minerals, particularly hematite, the classically recognized shape. It is also a common form of goethite, smithsonite, fluorite and malachite. This includes chrysocolla. Each sphere in a botryoidal mineral is smaller than that of a reniform mineral, and much smaller than that of a mamillary mineral. Botryoidal minerals form when many nearby nuclei, specks of sand, dust, or other particles, are present. Acicular or fibrous crystals grow radially around the nuclei at the same rate, appearing as spheres. Eventually, these spheres abut or overlap with those that are nearby. These nearby spheres are then fused together to form the botryoidal cluster.


Supplied With The Metaphysical Properties Of


Chrysocolla is a very peaceful stone. It is soothing and calming in times of stress, bringing about a gentle release. Chrysocolla gently draws off negative energies of all kinds and is especially helpful during transitional times, such as breakups and job loss, among other similar situations. By the same token, Chrysocolla can help calm the emotions and bring understanding to discordant relationships. Chrysocolla is a wonderful piece to use, on a daily basis, as a support stone. It helps to face challenges and changes with ease. Chrysocolla inspires creativity, inner balance and self-awareness. Chrysocolla can be used where feelings of anger, guilt and blame are present. It will gently assist in the awareness and understanding of this process and will bring in the energies of forgiveness, love and joy. Chrysocolla is a powerful stone because it aligns all chakras with the Divine. Chrysocolla is a tranquil stone. Chrysocolla can be used with the Throat Chakra, where it helps with wise communication, or with the Heart Chakra to balance and strengthen, helping one to learn how to live from the truth of the Heart. It can also be used to open and activate the Thymus, or Second Heart Chakra. Chrysocolla has been used with the Third-Eye to enhance meditation, bringing visions and knowledge of the sublime into conscious awareness. At home, use Chrysocolla to guard against obnoxious neighbors, unwanted phone calls and emails. It is helpful, especially for the elderly, to ease feelings of fear when living alone. Physically, Chrysocolla can help heal ailments of the lungs, back, and stomach. It alleviates rheumatism, arthritis and painful joints. It oxidizes the blood and helps with proper lung function. Chrysocolla also helps with high blood pressure, insulin production, thyroid problems, PMS, healthy fetal development and labour pains.


Please Note*.. All natural crystals may contain fractures and flaws

The Crystal Requires Parcel Post Shipping


  • Model: NC01-200620
  • 1 Units in Stock

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