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Calcite - Botryoidal Crystal Specimen


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x1 Genuine Natural Botryoidal Calcite

Crystal Specimen

Regoin: Unknown


A botryoidal texture or mineral habit is one in which the mineral has a globular external form resembling a bunch of grapes (botrys in ancient Greek) This is a common form for many minerals, particularly hematite, the classically recognized shape. It is also a common form of goethite, smithsonite, fluorite and malachite. This includes chrysocolla. Each sphere in a botryoidal mineral is smaller than that of a reniform mineral, and much smaller than that of a mamillary mineral. Botryoidal minerals form when many nearby nuclei, specks of sand, dust, or other particles, are present. Acicular or fibrous crystals grow radially around the nuclei at the same rate, appearing as spheres. Eventually, these spheres abut or overlap with those that are nearby. These nearby spheres are then fused together to form the botryoidal cluster.


6cm x 4.5cm x 2cm

33g in weight



Supplied With The Metaphysical Properties Of




Calcite is a powerful amplifier and cleanser of energy. Simply having Calcite in the room cleans negative energies from the environment and heightens your energy within the body. It removes stagnant energy. The spectrum of colours cleans the physical and subtle bodies. Calcite is an active crystal, speeding up development and growth. This is a spiritual stone linked to the higher consciousness that facilitates the opening of higher awareness and psychic abilities. channeling out of the body experiences . It accelerates spiritual development allows the soul to remember experiences when it returns to the body. Psychologically Calcite connects the emotions with the intellect, creating emotional intelligence. Calcite has a positive effect especially where someone has lost hope or motivation, It combats laziness aiding in becoming more energetic on all levels. Mentally Calcite calms the mind, teaches discernment and analysis, stimulates insights, and boosts memory, it facilitates knowing which information is important, and then returning it. Calcite confers the ability to change ideas into action. it is a useful stone for study. Calcite alleviates emotional stress and replaces it with serenity. It is a stabilizing stone enhancing trust in oneself and strengthening the ability to overcome setbacks. In healing Calcite cleanses the organs of elimination. it encourages calcium uptake in bones but dissolves calcifications, strengthening the skeleton and joints. It alleviates intestinal and skin conditions. It stimulates blood clotting and tissue healing, it fortifies the immune system and can encourage growth in small children.


Please Note*.. All natural crystals may contain fractures and flaws

This Crystal Requires Parcel Post Shipping

  • Model: NC10-200620
  • 1 Units in Stock

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