Green Aventurine Wise Owl
Crystal Suncatcher
Made With Natural Green Aventurine Crystal Chips
Quality K9/K5 Lead Crystal
Australian Made Nickle Free Pewter
Quality Tiger Tale
The Owl As A Spirit Animal Offers
Wisdom, Intuition & Transformation
The Spirit Of The Owl Guides You To See Beyond Illusion Deceit And Offers The Inspiration And Guidance Necessary To Deeply Explore The Unknown And The Magic Of Life
24cm Total Drop Length
1.5cm Total Width
6g Weight
Supplied With The Metaphysical Properties Of
Green Aventurine
Green aventurine is a comforter and heart healer and general harmonizer, protecting the heart. it brings things back in to control and is useful in malignant conditions. It settles nausea and dissolves negative emotions and thoughts, An all round healer, bringing in well being and emotional calm. Aventurine is a very positive stone of prosperity. Is used to grid gardens or houses against geopathic stress. Aventurine reinforces leadership quality and decisiveness. It promotes compassion and empathy and encourages perseverance. It takes you back to the past to find courses of disease. this stone relieves stammers and severe neuroses, bringing understanding of what lies behind the conditions. Aventurine stabilizes one's state of mind, stimulates, perception, and enhances creativity. It sees alternatives and possibility especially those presented by other people. this stone brings together the intellectual and emotional bodies. Aventurine calms anger and irritation, It stimulates emotional recovery and enables living within one owns heart. Aventurine promotes a feeling of well-being. It regulates growth from birth to seven years. It balances male- female energy and encourages regeneration of the heart. spiritually protects the heart chakra, guarding against psychic vampirism of heart energy.
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