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Rose Quartz Crystal Chunks

Rose Quartz Crystal Chunks


 For Your Personal Collection, Crystal Healing, Or Just For Decoration.

All Crystal Journey Tasmania's Crystals And Minerals Come With A Brief Description Of

The Metaphysical Properties Of Each Stone.

All Crystal Journey Tasmania's Crystal And Minerals Are Genuine Natural Unless Other Wise Stated

~Please Note~

All Natural Crystal & Minerals may Contain Natural Flaws Or Fractures

Crystals can complement other therapies and support energetic well-being. Crystals should not be used as a replacement for medical treatment. For medical advice, please consult a licensed healthcare specialist.



Rose Quartz is one of the most humble, yet most powerful of the spiritual allies. it turns the heart towards love and bathes body mind and spirit in that healing and enlightening​ frequency. It carries the loving consciousness​ of the Christ and other heart centered spiritual masters. Rose quartz is calming for the mind, assisting one in releasing worry, fear, anxiety and past emotional trauma, It clears the emotional body of ego-driven patterns and can help one feel more open to receiving and sharing love, compassion and kindness. Rose quartz is a gentle stabilizing​ stone to use for physical heart trauma and imbalance. it can make the heart shift from stress-based physiology to the higher frequencies of love-based physiology. It is ideal for premature babies and young children with heart weakness or disease but can be used by anyone who needs a stronger, more-stable heart.



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