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Fuchsite Mineral Chunk 38g 6cm


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X1 Genuine Natural Fuchsite

Natural Mineral Chunk


6cm x 3.5cm x 1.5cm

38g in weight

supplied with the crystal properties of



Fuchsite accesses knowledge with great practical value. It can channel information regarding herbal treatment and holistic remedies. It suggests the most holistic action to take and receives guidance on health matters and well-being. Fuchsite helps you to understand your interaction with other people and relates to basic concerns about life. Psychologically Fuchsite deals with issues of servitude from past or present lives. it reverses a tendency​ towards martyrdom​. it is excellent for those who instantly fall savior or rescuer mode, weather it be to save one person or a group, and who then quickly become victum's​. It shows how to be of service without becoming embroiled​ in power struggles of false​ humility. many people who serve do so with out of a feeling of not being good enough. And fuchsite teaches true self worth. Fuchsite shows you how to do only what is appropriate and necessary for some one else's growth and assists you to stand by placidly while they learn their own lessons. It combines unconditional​ love with tough love that says no more. It is useful for combining a situation in which you appear to be helping and yet are actually gaining great psychological satisfaction from keeping the other person dependent. Fuchsite amplifies energy of crystals and facilitates their transfer. It moves energy to the lowest point, redressing the balance. It releases blockages caused by excess energy, shifting the energy into positive channels. It balances the red and white blood cells ratio, treats carpal tunnel syndrome and repetitive strain injury and realigns the spine. Fuchsite increases flexibility in the musculoskeletal system.


Please Note*.. All natural crystals may contain fractures and flaws

This Crystal Can Be Shipped With Large Letter - (LETTER SIZE) Shipping

  • Model: FU03-290420
  • 1 Units in Stock

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